How a cryptocurrency community can help build an AiD project which can create an enormous impact on the environment

How Cryptocurrency is Transforming the Face of Sustainable AiD

Cryptocurrencies open up new opportunities for transforming AiD into digital assets and create trust between charitable organizations and donors. The traditional charity has always been more of a one-shot thing, once you have donated, you generally don’t know where it went. And, after the money is spent, it stays gone. There is simply no renewability factor in traditional charity models, and it is quite hard to have sustainable charity projects with traditional charities.

In this day and age, more people are leaning towards sustainable charities, to have a long-lasting impact on society and the environment that will keep ongoing. With cryptocurrency charity projects, that is made entirely possible. And our plan is exactly that. We at Impact.Finance is on the road to creating sustainable AiD projects using cryptocurrency.

Crypto AiD and Transparency

Whenever someone decides to donate to any charity, the first thing they focus on is if their money will go towards a good cause, whether they will be able to create an impact or not. This has pushed some issues into the light, namely the transparency of the donations and their long-term impact. Especially with the introduction of online charities, you can never be sure where you are spending your money.

Despite having a good reputation, some organizations have been known to be engaged in schemes to gain more profit for themselves than for the cause. Cryptocurrency can not only provide absolute transparency when it comes to AiD, but it also allows the users to keep track of every bit of donation. By using cryptocurrency, Impact.Finance will allow each and every investor to know where their funds are going towards.

Benefits of Having A Cryptocurrency Community Enabling AiD

Using crypto for AiD is not only beneficial for the donors either, organizations can reach far and wide into the world, without worrying about borders stopping them from receiving AiD. They won’t have to worry about bank transfers, currency rates, hiring extra staff to focus on every bit of transactions, the benefits are infinite. With such an easy and transparent method of AiD, we can change the face of all charities.

How we can make an impact on our environment with sustainable crypto AiD

We have all heard about climate change at this point, the initiatives being taken to remedy the wrong as much as possible, but how many of us have actually participated in any of the initiatives? There is the issue that not everyone can join a cause actively, but there is also the issue for those who want to join a cause from far away, but cannot due to the lack of transparency for AiDs. We plan to create a bridge between the donors and organizations with the help of blockchain that will not only ensure transparency but open up the wonderful world of sustainable charities.